pot bellyIt is a common practice among people trying to lose weight to skip meals in an attempt to shed off a few kilos. Most people will skip breakfast or lunch and tolerate the hunger pangs until the next meal. However, feeling hungry and running low on energy aren’t the only things your body will suffer from when you skip a meal. There are more serious consequences.

Just as the body keeps its temperature, water content and other parameters within a specific range to provide a stable environment for the body to function optimally, it also works at keeping its weight within a specific range. When one forms a habit of skipping meals, the body develops coping mechanisms that help it adapt in times of shortage; it capitalizes on storage of reserves from the food eaten thereafter which it can fall back on in the anticipated periods of scarcity. The storage is normally in the form of fats which not only increase the body fat mass but also increase the risk of developing non communicable illnesses like obesity and high blood pressure.

Body functions are maintained by energy supplied through meals. By skipping even a single meal, blood sugar levels are significantly affected. If blood sugar is not circulating in the correct amounts, all body organs and functions are affected. Due to insufficient supply of energy, the body’s system shifts into starvation mode as it tries to conserve the little energy it has. Metabolism slows down and food eventually taken isn’t utilized effectively. Most of this food ends up being stored as fat reserves for future use.

When one skips a meal, it increases the likelihood of overeating during subsequent meals. Skipping meals during the day and eating large meals at night can result in serious metabolic changes that can cause elevated blood sugar levels and delayed insulin response, conditions that, if left unchecked, could lead to diabetes.

Eating small frequent nutritious meals or snacks spread throughout the day helps the body function more effectively, improves metabolic function and helps keep blood sugar and energy levels stable. Having 5 small nutritious meals daily makes it possible for a person to consume most if not all the nutrients needs of the day since they are likely to eat different foods at each meal.

For successful weight loss and subsequent maintenance, one should focus more on adopting a healthier lifestyle that incorporates sustainable healthier eating habits and consistent physical activities.


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